What is the Create® 3 robot?

Information about the Create® 3 robot.

The Create® 3 robot is a programmable robot based on the iRobot® Roomba® i3 vacuum robot. Users can program this robot using ROS 2 or the iRobot Python SDK.There have been three versions of Create:

  • The Create® robot, released in 2007. This robot was based on the Roomba® Discovery series robots. It is all-white.
  • The Create® 2 robot, released in 2014. This robot is based on the Roomba® 650 robot and includes a green faceplate marked with safe places to drill into the robot to mount additional hardware.
  • The Create® 3 robot, released in 2022. This robot is based on the Roomba® i3 robot and includes a translucent black faceplate and custom payload bay with holes for mounting.

For more information, please visit edu.irobot.com/create